Clubs and Organizations
MMACHS has a variety of student led clubs and organizations that allow their members further their education outside of the classroom. Click on an image below to learn more about some of these amazing groups.

Meridian Medical Arts Charter High School is an active member of HOSA-Future Health Professionals, an international student organization endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Education Division of ACTE (Association for Career and Technical Education). MMACHS has the largest HOSA chapter in Idaho, and each year sends qualifying students to participate in the HOSA State and International Leadership Conferences.

Key Club is a national service organization, under the Kiwanis Family umbrella, whose mission is to help better the lives of children all around the world. Our award winning Key Club, advised by Mr. Green, completes thousands of hours of community service every year.

Student Council is responsible for setting up and running activities that enhance the student experience at MMACHS. Everything from dances to pep assemblies are planned by this group, whose members are elected from all four classes of the student body.

Medical Reserve Corps is a national network of volunteers who help communities prepare for emergency situations when disaster strikes. MMACHS' Junior MRC is the only organized chapter in Idaho, and helps with everything from "Stop the Bleed" classes to earthquake drills.

National Technical Honor Society is an educational non-profit that exists to honor, recognize, and empower students and teachers in career and technical education. As a school that is dedicated to excellence in career and technical education, we strive to achieve this goal by actively involving our members in meaningful seasonal service projects.