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MMACHS Begins Middle School Visits


By: MMACHS Staff

Five MMACHS upperclassmen speak to a Careers class at Eagle Middle School

Last week our students and administrators began our annual visits to West Ada middle schools. These visits allow current students the chance to speak to potential future Guardian Knights about their experience at MMACHS, and answer questions about everything from academics to student life.

Take a look at the schedule below to see when your chance will be to hear about our CTE certification courses, our Associate of Science in Health Science Degree, and the unique experience MMACHS has to offer. Also, don't forget to visit us at one of our Information Nights, which will take place on November 7th and 11th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. In the meantime, our lottery is open, so apply for the 2025-2026 school year by clicking "Apply" above.

Remaining Middle School Visit Schedule:

November 1st - Lewis and Clark Middle School (Careers Class)

November 4th - Victory Middle School (B Day Careers Class and Lunch)

November 6th - Galileo STEM Academy (Careers Class)

November 7th - Meridian Middle School (During Reality Town)

November 7th - Heritage Middle School (Lunch)

November 8th - Victory Middle School (A Day Career Class)

November 11th - Sawtooth Middle School (Career Class and Lunch)

November 12th - Eagle Middle School (Lunch)

November 14th - Lake Hazel Middle School (Lunch)

November 15th - Lowell Scott Middle School (Careers Class)

November 19th - Meridian Middle School (Careers Class)

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